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Pillow Technique

Muralidhar BK

I will write “WHITE CHESTNUT GORSE LARCH”, keep in under pillow and chant the same 51 times daily.

What to do the paper which I keep under pillow. The same paper I keep daily or change it daily?


You can do all of them.

In the night, before going to sleep, see the paper, and once you get up in the morning, see it again. If the paper is kept under the pillow, then the energy of the remedies goes into the head, while the person was sleeping over the pillow.

Once the purpose is served, say thanks to remedies, wash the paper on water, tear it and throw it away or burn it.

Don’t get remedies in my place

Can I chant as I don’t get Bach Flower Remedies in my place?

Bach Flower remedies are available all over the world.

They contain no chemicals. So don’t be apprehensive about taking them.

They are inexpensive too. The cost of the pill for a day will be less than the cost of cup of coffee.

When you are remedies advised to take remedies, please do take them, as the answer has come from the divine.

If you still insist in chanting go ahead. Don’t put the question back to us. However, it might still work for you.

Why no elaborate answers?


Sorry for asking this. I know you will be hurt my reading my question.

How is it that you have given Anuarun, elaborate answer?

I too posted my question but you just said chant some flower remedies. You never mentioned any pill or no. of times I need to chant and no. of times I need to write.

My situation is grave and yet I could not get clear elaborate reply. Please let us know why this difference.


I am not at all hurt.

Except one or two, who post questions in the blog I don’t know anybody personally, who posts questions. I am also not interested to know who is who.

Sometimes I feel like explaining and sometimes I don’t.

But all my replies are sincere with 100% prayers to you all. For every person who comes here, his situation is grave.

You go through entire pages of this blog. Most of the questions will have one word answer only.

Absent Healing


When a person chants Switch words for someone else (to regain lost love, get money, get job or patch-up family quarrel) what should be our mind state that time?

Because the opposite person is not listening to my chant how then can it work – especially in cases when someone broke up and they may stay far away.


What you mention is popularly called as ‘Absent Healing’.

However, there is no such thing as absent healing, as all of us are connected. The moment you think about a person you are with them on the psychic (mental) plane.

Whether you tell them in person or mentally when you think about them – say you curse them, it reaches them.

Never are you away from them. Therefore, all your chants work irrespective of where they are.


The following methods are applicable to Bach Flower Remedy, Gem Remedy or any remedy for the matter.

How to take the pills orally?

Take the remedies two to three pills of each one by one. More pills will not increase the impact.

Leave a gap of 1-2 minutes between taking different remedies.

Take it for two to four times a day, depending on the intensity of the problem and whether you need to take some other remedies as well.

Don’t touch the pills by hands. Use the cap of the container to take the pills.

Where can I get Remedies?

Bach Flower Remedies are available in all homeopathy shops as well as well as in the centre.

Any brand is ok.

Other remedies including special combinations (packs like study pack, harmony pack etc.) are available only in the centre.

Can I chant as I don’t get Bach Flower Remedies in my place?

Bach Flower remedies are available all over the world.

They contain no chemicals. So don’t be apprehensive about taking them.

They are inexpensive too. The cost of the pill for a day will be less than the cost of cup of coffee.

When you are remedies advised to take remedies, please do take them, as the answer has come from the divine.

If you still insist in chanting go ahead. Don’t put the question back to us. However, It might still work for you.

When we take a remedy, can we also chant the names of the remedies?

These flower names or remedy names are switch words only.

Chant them, write them or keep their pictures.

Instead of taking the remedies only, can you give me switch words, angel numbers or mantras instead? Will chanting be enough?

If you are suggested to take the remedies, please don’t ask these questions.

You may do as per your discretion.

For chronic situations, if a problem has persisted for a long time, then it would be good if you take them orally.

Can I take the remedies while taking other medications?

Yes you can!

No side-effects it taking the pills. Either it will work or it won’t – especially when the remedies are not prescribed correctly.

The Bach Flower Kit

The Kit has all the thirty-eight remedies.

Each container has 100 pills and it is around rupees 100 (2 dollars) plus courier charges.

Taking the remedies orally will always help. It is better than chanting. Don’t you think we have other concerns to attend too?

Buy all of them as they are not expensive. You don’t know when you will need them.

How long the pills will be effective?

There is no end-date.

As long as it is kept in a proper condition, you may keep it forever.

The remedies in liquid form will evaporate if you keep them outside for a longer period. So, keep them in the fridge.

How long I need to take the remedy?

For specific life situations like getting married, take it for at least six months.

Say for an interview, you might take the pills the day before and just before the interview. In addition, keep the pills in the pocket, so that you will be inside the energy field of the healing flowers.

For other situations, take it for three to four weeks.

If there is not much improvement (definitely there will be some) then report whatever that has changed and ask for the new set of remedies. Your mental state would have changed then. So you will need a different combination.

Don’t think the remedies, you have bought has gone waste, for they may be required in the future too and they don’t have an expiry date, as long you keep them in good condition.

However, understand nobody knows when you need to stop. Only divine knows. Until then, have patience, faith and trust in the remedies.

Remedies in liquid form


I got the remedies. How many drops of each one in the bottle of water?


Put two drops of each in the water.

Taking Pills (continued…)

If you are taking the pills, take two pills of each remedy mentioned, twice or thrice a day, depending on the severity.

If you are using the water method, put five pills of each in a bottle of water and drink them. If you don’t like the taste of the pills, especially when you don’t want your kids to know you are giving them remedies put the pills in glass of hot water.

You can also write or chant them as switch words.

Ideally, if the problem is persisting for long, physical intake is better.

Method of Chanting

How many times to chant?

If it is not mentioned, then chant as many times as you can and whenever you can.

One has to chant for most of the times. For chanting there is no time limit.

Just chant and sink into the vibration. Enjoy the resonance.

Reciting should be done with involvement. If you do so, each and every organ, and each and every cell will enjoy and chant along with you.

There is no specific time to chant either.

How long to chant?

Until you get the result or some result do the chanting.

Sometimes you won’t get the result immediately. May be, it will take months, instead of weeks.

However, be sure you will notice some changes in your life as soon as you do the chanting. Report the results to Naran.

Either he will ask you to continue the chant or he might change it.

However, until you get the answer from him, keep chanting the same. It will only do you good.


How many times one should chant this to make it effective?


Till you get what you want.

Or you can stop when you come out of the present state of mind.

What to expect from chanting?

Chant the mantra without expecting any result. Expectation will dampen our action(s).

Chant with full faith and this faith will carry you to heights, as per the divine will and order.

Just accept whatever comes.

You ask us to chant the names of Bach flower remedies

When you chant the names of Bach Flower Remedies, they work like switch words and mantras.

Can we combine different types of remedies?

You can combine the remedies from different healing streams – Bach Flowers, Switch words, Gem Remedies, Angel Numbers, and Mantras etc.

They will work fine.

You can add names of the remedies to affirmations and chant them too.

Chanting during menses for ladies

Can switch words and Bach flower remedies be chanted during menses for ladies?

Yes, you can.

Headache while chanting

If you get a head ache while chanting, chant RELEASE RESISTANCE.

Silent Chanting


While chanting my mouth gets dried. So can I chant this mentally?


Chanting is repeating the words within one’s mind only

Recording the mantras

Hiran Tirkey

Have recorded Switch Words of my own voice & stored it in my mobile memory. I hear the recorded switch word with my earphone. Can it work both in sleep or half-sleep state?


Yes. It will.