Category Archives: Healing Approach

Why we need so many healing techniques?


Change is the order of life. So we have to try different techniques. Otherwise, our life will get simpler, and we will feel bored.

In addition, combining techniques is better, because change is the order of nature.

If Bach Flowers work for a particular period of time, then on some other day it may not work. At the same time you may need to be quickly healed by some other remedy, say for example either Mudra Healing or Reiki healing.

That’s why I am giving you a lot of healing techniques to work with.

In addition, for some, one set of remedies will work, while for others something else will work.

What is important here is that we are healing the person as well as making him come out of the problem.

Don’t Monitor Progress


Generally we get attached to whom we are suggesting remedy and start monitoring their progress. Is this ok?


It is your mistake to monitor the progress. Everything is progressing. Every event is happening perfect.

You do not judge. It is beyond the perception of the lower mind.

Everything is Satyam (in Divine order) Observe (Shivam) the beauty (Sundaram).

These wonderful mantras – Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram can be chanted as switch words.

Why no elaborate answers?


Sorry for asking this. I know you will be hurt my reading my question.

How is it that you have given Anuarun, elaborate answer?

I too posted my question but you just said chant some flower remedies. You never mentioned any pill or no. of times I need to chant and no. of times I need to write.

My situation is grave and yet I could not get clear elaborate reply. Please let us know why this difference.


I am not at all hurt.

Except one or two, who post questions in the blog I don’t know anybody personally, who posts questions. I am also not interested to know who is who.

Sometimes I feel like explaining and sometimes I don’t.

But all my replies are sincere with 100% prayers to you all. For every person who comes here, his situation is grave.

You go through entire pages of this blog. Most of the questions will have one word answer only.

Healing is my goal

Results will come automatically…


My friend and her husband are unhappy in their marriage.

They fight a lot and are thinking of separating.

Please suggest remedies for harmony and love between husband and wife.


Divorcing or separation is her choice.

But she has to release all her anger and dislike and animosity against him before marrying anybody else in the future.

If she does not do so, she will find another person with the traits of previous one.

Follow my words


I looked up the meaning of the words you gave me and I’m not sure if they correctly describe my problem.


If you go to other site and look for meaning, you will be in confusion.

Either you follow and do as I stated with faith.

Faith only leads our life.

A confused mind will never move forward.

There are so many meanings for a single word.